Main benefits

Recovery of waste energy from braking
Line voltage regulation to offset voltage drops
Optimization of the distance between traction substations
Independent rectifier/inverter mode operation
Fast response time
Low maintenance and easy access to all parts
High reliability and robustness
High energy efficiency, minimized losses

Sécheron has been developing and manufacturing power converters for traction power substations for many years. We also offer a reliable, high-performance solution for reversible substations (or double converters). Our EFFICIENT-REV reversible controlled converter is based on the design of our air-cooled rectifier equipped with high-overload thyristor blocks and force-cooled, modular IGBT stacks for energy recovery. EFFICIENT-REV reduces overall energy consumption and is maintainable and durable.


  • Reversible controlled converters - REV

Product description

  • Rated DC voltage 750 Volts, 1'500 Volts.
  • Efficiency >99% in rectifier mode, >97% in inverter mode.
  • Class VI overload (or other on demand).
  • Thyristor technology used in rectifier mode .
  • IGBT technology used in inverter mode.
  • Operates independantly without affecting the rectifier or inverter mode.
  • Protection degree up to IP32.
  • Reference standards: IEC 60146, IEC 60747, IEC 61000, EN 50328.
  • Reference standards: IEEE ANSI C34.2, IEEE 519.
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Request for quotation

For a request for quotation, please visit our dedicated contact center by clicking the Sécheron Support and then selecting "Request for Quotation" in the Help topics.